Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Sendang Biru Beach

Sendang Biru Beach
Sempu Island
Sendangbiru beach is a beach on the south coast which is situated on the edge of the ocean Indonesia is administratively located in the hamlet Sendangbiru, Tambakrejo Village, District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang, East Java [1]. Sendangbiru beach is one wanawisata owned by Perum Perhutani and managed by KBM JLPL Unit II. Situated on plots 81 and 86 with standard acreage of 50 ha and 3 ha area benefits, RPH Sumber Agung, BKPH Sumbermanjing, KPH Malang belongs to the class of protected forest. Distance from Malang approximately 67 kilometers and takes about 2-2.5 hours to get to the beach Sendangbiru. The only means of transport is private car, because there is no public transport that pass in there. The beach is not far away from the coast of Goa China, it takes only about 15 minutes by motor vehicle. From JLS entrance to the beach was also paved. Only some roads are asphalt peeling. Turkish Sendangbiru first opened in 1970. It's just that time was a local fisherman. Only in the 1980s, fishermen from outside the area also go into Sendangbiru. That's because the construction of a fish landing bases Pondokdadap in 1980-1989.
The beach is directly opposite the island Sempu, only separated by a narrow strait Sempu and with a length of approximately 4 kilometers. In this strait suitable for boating or other water sports because of its location sheltered by the island Sempu. Therefore, this beach is usually used as an entrance to the island's famous Sempu with naturalness. Their island Sempu become its own attraction Sendangbiru Beach. Sempu Island, a nature reserve that berdanau full freshwater catfish in the middle of the forest and the sea water lake. One attraction of this beach is a fish market at the fish auction (TPI) and travel diesel engined boat ride around the coast. The majority of tourists who come to ride the boats and fresh fish shop because the price is very cheap. The price of fish follows the seasons, so that if by the time the tide was high price of fish is expensive. The marine products can be found in Sendangbiru include pelagic fish species that lemurung, overpasses, anchovies, tuna, mackerel, and squid. As for the type damersal among other rays, grouper, sea bass, red snapper and white pomfret and other types of export commodities such as tuna, mackerel, swordfish, lobster, sea cucumbers and seaweed.
Currently Sendangbiru Coastal scenery was looking like it used to be. Moreover, on the shoreline just filled with fishing boats and sometimes looks a bit dirty on the coast. Severe abrasion on the west coast. The view was also not get out much because of blocked Sempu Island. Visitors can sit around the beach while enjoying the island Sempu from afar and see the bustle of the fishermen to fish and lean on the beach. On a normal day, there is indeed a lot of visitors to the beach. Moreover, in Sendangbiru you can go swimming, fishing and boating. Here already provided a parking area, toilets, rooms, shelter, viewing tower, the information center, and food stalls. At the time of the days Syawalan, which is about 7-8 Syawal, many boating to the island Sempu to fetch water from a fresh water springs that can be trusted to health and healing. Whereas every year, precisely on September 27, local residents held a stringed sea (sea alms).
Sights in Turkish Sendangbiru quite interesting. Actually, the clean white sand and clear blue sea water makes a beautiful view. Fishing boat colorful leaning neatly on the waterfront. The ships are not only used as a means for fishing, but is also rented out to tourists. You can hire a ship to tour around the coast. Fees are set not too expensive, only Rp 100,000 to Rp 50,000 boat and rowed to the ship. In the midst of the sea, you can see to the bottom. There underwater sights are clearly visible. Small fish swimming between coral reef make your experience visiting Turkish Sendangbiru will not be forgotten. The boat can be driven up to 12 people.
The existence Sendangbiru famous beach, it can not be separated from the spring (springs) at the bottom of the hill where the water is blue. Spring that is the forerunner of the beach is called Sendangbiru until today. The position of the spring about 1 kilometer from the west coast. From the coast up to the village heading south traffic lane (JLS). In the left JLS from the coast there is a path toward the bottom of the hill. That's where there are sources of water that ranged between 10 x 8 meters with a depth of 2.5 meters. Water color blue. There are two spring in the region. In addition there is also a Sendanggambir Sendangbiru. However Sendangbiru larger water discharge. Of the two spring that neighborhood residents Sitiarjo
and surrounding areas depend.

Source: Wikipedia

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